Excellent Staff Award of Quarter 4.2020

The Award of Excellent Employee in Quarter 4.2020 has arrived, the award acknowledges the dedication and hard work of our members after a quarter of working.
Follow us to find out who the owners of these awards are!
First prize
Mr. Bui Duc Huy, team Com
Once again, a man from team Com attracted the attention and recognition from the leaders. He joined the project team as a tester, although very young, his sense of responsibility is shown very high, as well as the spirit of dedication to the job.
Hopefully, with this spirit of work and dedication, Huy can do more in the future.
And Second Prize
Mr. Le Ngoc Khanh, team Dev2
A relatively new member of the Briswell family. Although he is the youngest man who just graduated, after a period of studying and working, Khanh has made a lot of effort at work, he is willing to listen to and absorb ideas to sharpen and improve himself.
Hopefully, Khanh will continue to promote his strengths in the future.
Congratulations on winning this excellent employee award!
2020 has ended, Briswell members, together we welcome 2021 with many challenges and try harder!